
Near Fatal Accident Avoided by SmartDrive Cameras at AMX

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SmartDrive Cameras are the some of the newest technology deployed to vehicles in order to safeguard against and prevent accidents on the road. Cameras placed on the front and rear of the truck can record video and alert safety teams to many different risks including: distracted driving, drowsy driving, unsafe following, u-turns and more.

SmartDrive camera implementation at Alabama Motor Express

We interviewed Dan Banner, Safety Director at Alabama Motor Express for the past 12 years.

This is what he had to say about implementing SmartDrive cameras on AMX trucks:

Has there been a noticeable change in the number of accidents/collisions or an obvious turnaround for dealing with accidents?

“I believe what little time we have had these cameras in our trucks it has had a positive impact in prevention and actually dealing with an accident.”

Have there been any problems with implementing the new technology?

“To date, there hasn’t been any problems implementing this technology into our fleet.”

Have you been able to use footage to show other drivers what could happen?

“Yes. Alan Hoffman (Safety Administrator) monitors the footage and if necessary has them routed to the yard to view. He and the driver can sit down and watch the video and go over what corrections need to be made.”

Did you face backlash from drivers when the cameras were mentioned?

“For the most part, no. There is always going to be that one person that has a problem with anything new. Overall everyone was very receptive about implementing these cameras.”

If so, did their opinions change or stay the same?

“The few who did voice their displeasure were eventually fine with. We didn’t lose anyone to the camera installation.”

AMX is also a SmartWay carrier, which works to make our environmental footprint a little smaller everyday. To learn more, check out our blog!

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